Commissioning of NDLEA Drugs and Substance Abuse rehabilitation and treatment facility.

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) on 10th February, 2023 has taken a significant stride by inaugurating a state-of-the-art drug rehabilitation center in Akwa Ibom State.

The ceremony was marked by a strong resolve to address the pressing issue of substance abuse in our society. Brig.-Gen. Mohammed Marwa (rtd), the Chairman of NDLEA, emphasized the paramount importance of effective treatment and rehabilitation for individuals battling addiction. With the right support and care, it is believed that we can alleviate the suffering caused by drug abuse, leading to a healthier and more prosperous Nigeria.

Representing Brig.-Gen. Marwa, the former Military Administrator of Akwa Ibom, Col. Yakubu Bako (rtd), underscored the necessity of professionalism in the treatment and rehabilitation process. While the efforts to apprehend traffickers are essential, Col. Bako emphasized that true progress in curbing substance abuse can only be achieved through rehabilitation and reducing drug demand.

A key highlight of this momentous occasion was the gracious contribution of Mrs. Martha Emmanuel, the wife of the Governor of Akwa Ibom State. Through her esteemed pet project, Family Empowerment and Youth Re-orientation Initiative (FEYReP), Mrs. Emmanuel generously donated the rehabilitation center to NDLEA. Her act of kindness ensures that those struggling with drug addiction can find a safe haven and the assistance they need to reclaim their lives.

Mrs. Obot Bassey, the State Commander of NDLEA, shared some encouraging statistics from the agency’s efforts in 2022. With unwavering dedication, they carried out sensitization activities in 77 locations across the state to raise awareness about the dangers of drug abuse. Moreover, the agency provided counseling to 265 individuals grappling with drug use and successfully rehabilitated 12 people with substance use disorders. Their relentless efforts led to the seizure of 460.344kg of assorted drugs, 348 suspects being apprehended, and 58 convictions secured during the same period.

As an Ambassador for the War Against Drug Abuse (WADA), Mrs. Martha Emmanuel took center stage to passionately appeal to parents. She stressed the critical role of parental guidance in nurturing children and warding them away from the clutches of substance abuse. Expressing deep concern over the alarming number of young people, especially school children, involved in drug-related activities, Mrs. Emmanuel encouraged the youth to resist the temptation and focus on building a bright and prosperous future.

The newly inaugurated rehabilitation center stands as a beacon of hope, symbolizing our collective determination to combat drug abuse and its devastating effects. It is a sanctuary that welcomes those in need, offering a second chance at life and a path towards transformation. The center’s mission is to empower individuals to break free from the chains of addiction and reintegrate into society as responsible and productive citizens.

Let us unite in this noble cause and work hand in hand to build a drug-free tomorrow for ourselves and future generations. Together, we can create a healthier, safer, and more vibrant Nigeria, where each individual can thrive to their fullest potential.

Stay tuned for more updates on our journey towards a drug-free society, as we march towards a brighter future, hand in hand!

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